This is crucial for their survival as photosynthesis takes place, the creation of plant foods through the conversion of sunlight. My first trips to starting a garden as a beginner got seriously out of hand and I quickly learned that starting small was definitely the way to go. Little by little, I increased the size of my garden beds, the variety of plants I started each year, and the complexity of my growing techniques until I was satisfied with the results of my harvest. But I’m still learning, and this year I saw a lot of vines that took up more than half of my garden due to excessive exuberance in early spring that I couldn’t lose weight. You can quickly start a garden with transplants and harvest crops instead of seeds. Small plants purchased from a garden center, catalog or online provide a way to overcome seasonal constraints.

But some gardeners may overestimate how much sun an area actually gets. For your vegetables to thrive, you need an accurate assessment. Check the location every 30 minutes throughout the day to confirm how long the sun directly hits growing vegetables to sell the place where you want to place your vegetable garden. You can also use a solar calculator to get an accurate assessment. There is a simple pleasure in biting a still hot tomato from the sun, picked and eaten on the spot.

That way, you can place sun-loving vegetables and herbs like tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, basil, dill, and rosemary, where they’ll do well. Consider the amount of space and garden you’ve chosen before and how you’ve planned your garden. Using a garden planner is never a bad idea when starting a beginner’s garden to get an idea of how much space each planting option needs. If you plan to use raised beds or containers, your space will be even more limited and you should consider how much garden space you have for the large number of pots you accidentally plant. If you are already producing the amount of food you want in your existing row garden, by switching to raised beds or open beds, you can reduce the size of the garden.

Water is a necessity for the survival of your plants because it is the water that allows the roots to absorb nutrients and nourish the vegetation. By watering your plants regularly, you provide the available moisture to keep your plants healthy and produce them throughout the growing season. Young plants have shallow roots and need to be watered more regularly to keep them hydrated until their roots spread and grow deeper. The morning is usually an ideal time to water the plants to give them a chance to absorb the moisture in their leaves through the heat of the day.

Root congestion can cause premature and reduced cultivation, so be picky when buying cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage plants. First of all, your growing area determines the length of your growing season. Mentioned above when determining the location of your garden, your growing area will also determine when your plants can be planted or transplanted into the ground.

Select up to five types of vegetables to grow and plant a portion of each type. You’ll get plenty of fresh produce for your summer meals and it will be easy to keep up with chores. Growing vegetables in containers is also a good way to start. With them, you don’t even need a terrace; a sunny terrace or balcony works well. If we grow vegetables to save money on food, it makes sense to focus on the more expensive vegetables we actually eat.


