


” . Firefighters are instructed to visually and measurably identify these areas and demarcation lines. As of March 2005, a series of 20 large-scale fire pattern tests were conducted at Eastern Kentucky University (Gorbett et al. 2006; Hopkins et al. 2007; Hopkins et al. 2008; Hopkins et al. 2009; Gorbett 2010; Gorbett et al. 2013). Test fires were conducted in identically built, finished and furnished living rooms and bedroom compartments in a burning building. These studies focused on the reproducibility of the fire pattern, the persistence of the pattern by the flashover, the use of fire patterns in determining the origin and influence of the initial low HRR fuel production on the fire pattern. The researchers argue that similar truncated cone patterns were identified in the first eight tests (Gorbett et al. 2006). The main finding of these tests is that “the interpretation of all fire effects provides the investigator with substantial evidence to identify the appropriate area of origin” (Gorbett et al. 2010).

These studies argued that the use of heat vector and flame analysis enabled the researcher to determine the true region of origin. Fire effects were reported for each test, fire patterns were identified, and formal heat vector and flame analysis legends and diagrams were provided for each test. The evidence they collected is analyzed to help determine whether the cause of the fire was accidental or deliberate. During the scene assessment, researchers can find evidence such as accelerators, manipulated utilities and specific fire patterns that could indicate criminal activity. Here, the use of a PID detector can take effect and determine where and what has been used, while researchers remain safe all the time by detecting harmful VOCs that may still be present. The main problem with cartridges generated by ventilation is when the compartment fire is controlled by ventilation.

The distilled features of the literature are that the patterns generated by plume have areas with a greater extent of damage compared to the surrounding areas and therefore the demarcation lines between these areas are described as clear or sharp. In addition, the demarcation lines are not parallel to the floor, but are located at an angle representing the floating current, usually with characteristic geometric shapes. Fire pattern studies have shown that the specific damage signals identified during fuel-controlled conditions were not so common during ventilation-controlled conditions. When gases rise and expand, they begin to interact with the surfaces of the liner and the contents of the liquid flow.

This widens the plume horizontally in the top layer, causing damage to the surfaces that intersect. A two-dimensional trigger pattern is expected to form on the vertical surface interface (p. E.g. walls) funnel or cone formed with the vertex at the bottom. It has been suggested that this fire pattern indicates a fuel package that has reached an HRR sufficient to create a flame plume that reaches the horizontal surface (p. E.g. ceiling). Custer was the first to discuss a concept of shadow on Fire Investigations Expert Witness California content elements and how these areas with the least damage helped the researcher identify the direction of heat exposure . Later, the term was converted into heat shadow, which was first defined as “the effect of an object that blocks the transport or irradiated heat displacement and calls from its source to the relevant surface material examined.” . Carman divided the room into four quadrants and interviewed participants in an attempt to derive an error rate study from the researchers.

Putorti has conducted a series of experiments that evaluated damage to different floor surfaces with different amounts of flammable liquids used outdoors. Mealy et al. performed a series of compartment fire tests with dischargeable liquids and evaluated the persistence of this cartridge by a fire in the compartment. They found that floor patterns caused by flammable liquids can be minimal because they can be easily destroyed and because of the short exposure time due to fuel consumption. When burns burn in the room and the fiery plume cannot escape, a layer of hot gases produced by fire rises and forms, increasing the temperature of the upper part of the room. The temperatures at this point can reach about 600 ° C, with radiant heat flowing to the floor level. At this point, all flammable materials available in the room can reach their auto-ignition temperature and go up in flames.

It may also be important to consider weather conditions, as temperature and wind conditions can affect a fire in terms of fire spread and direction. A grid of approximately 2 square feet (0.19 m2) was established and participants were asked to select the space in the grid that most represented their area of origin. Then, Participants received carbon depth measurements for all content elements and calcination depth measurements for all walls for the same compartment fire and asked to re-examine the photos and select an area of origin again. The study concluded that 73.8% without measurable data and 77.7% with measurable data accurately determined the region of origin. Therefore, the total percentage of participants choosing the right area increased by 3.9% with the inclusion of measurable data as part of the data.

The top layer is a term often given to the collection of smoke and gases heated during the progression of fire near the top parts of the compartment, usually near the ceiling. High temperature gases and soot in the top layer affect the patterns formed in the compartment’s coating materials and contents. Damage caused by this top layer is often known as fire patterns generated by the hot gas layer or heat and smoke horizons (NFPA 2014; DeHaan and Icove 2011), but this work will describe it as patterns generated by the layer higher . First, the top layer generated fire patterns are used by researchers to determine the extent to which the top layer has descended into the compartment and that, because it is a heat source, it is used to describe other damage areas in the compartment. The damage to the surfaces of the wall, ceiling and contents is an artifact of the dynamics of fire for that fire.

Madrzykowski and Fleischmann completed work on flame plume damage against a plasterboard wall and showed that for smaller HRR fuels (20-80 kW), the maximum damage width never exceeded 1.5 times the width of the fuel. His work also found that the height of the plume damage was within 5% of the average visible flame heights for the natural gas burner and petrol fires. Delichatsios’ simple correlation of flame height for wall fires with the average height of damage identified in Madrzykowski’s study shows that the calculated flame height underestimated the damage height for the burner by about 7-11%. The researchers stated that one of the objectives of their tests was “to determine whether the fire patterns in the room were consistent with the origin or location of the external fire” (Hoffmann et al. 2003).