Media Education: A Necessity

Since the birth of the media world, there have been new ways to see its impact in everyday life. What was considered a blessing is in many ways considered a curse. The use of media is also often accompanied by contradictions. Here are some quotes that make you think about the role of the media and their influence. These quotes were made by famous people and may indicate how the media have strayed from the intended path, choosing a completely new path.

“Our job is not to give people what they want, but to what we think they should have.” Richard Salent, former president of CBS News.

“We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are things that the general public does not need to know and should not know. I believe that democracy thrives when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and the press can make a decision. print what he knows.” Katherine Graham, Washington Post editor and CFR member. Thus, we see that there is a similar trend. People seem to interpret the use of the media in their own way, which benefits people who have power in their hands, feel that it is in their power to decide what to show and what not to show. No doubt, if the press has an agenda, it is not quite fair and not quite as it was originally conceived. line, human emotions, human desires, human intentions, greed and selfishness began to hinder the functioning of the free press. Just like a utilitarian economy – it’s a dream, a free press is nothing but this.

The essence of the production of the press was compromised. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black rightly said:

“The press has been protected so that it can reveal state secrets and educate people. Only a free and unin their unin ian press can effectively expose deception within the government. And the most important duty of a free press is the duty of the government to deceive people. . “

The media did not keep their promise of unbiased coverage, an unbiased letter and a truthful message to the public. In this scenario, faith and action based on media facts can not only be dangerous, but can also be unfair to the person against whom action is taken. The influence of the media on young minds is amplified. This is because young minds are just beginning to understand the world and how it works. Thus, young minds can be more easily formed than adults who have formed a more or less firm opinion on a variety of issues, depending on experience, circumstances, needs and desires.

Today’s world is as different from the old world as chalk and cheese. In today’s world there are quality products and a new definition of lifestyle. Today there is a culture of consumption that could not have been imagined even a century ago. This scenario discusses various forms of printing: digital, print, audio and the Internet.

The Internet and television have the greatest influence. Both media not only give us an abundance of knowledge, but also allow us to see and visualize them. As the spread of the Internet and television reaches new heights, media anger also reaches gigantic proportions. TV channels and websites tell you about all the sources and types of knowledge that make it impossible to understand because of their number.

Media influence

The influence of the media began in the West, mainly because it was here that technological advances took place for the first time in the world. In this respect, Westerners are more exposed to the media than to the people of the East, and their culture is more prone to the vagaries of the media than to Indian society. Therefore, when we look at Western countries, we clearly see the traces left by the media. There are writers like Jerry Mander, who even said in his book “Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television” that television is an evil that must be destroyed. There is no doubt that the media, especially television and the Internet, have a devastating psychological impact on the minds of people, especially the young.

We are inherently inclined to have in our brains an “affected stain” of what we have been told or seen through the media, although we may or may not believe it. This can be explained by a simple children’s concept. When we were kids, many of us didn’t believe in ghosts. But when our friend, who believed in them, told us that ghosts existed and told ghost stories, we were afraid to go into the dark for a while, even though we still thought ghosts didn’t exist. This was because, although we didn’t believe in ghosts somewhere, the imprint of what “others” said was implanted in our brains, and we were affected. Similarly, people are influenced by “others” who are different forms of media here.

New models in fashion, food, drinks, travel – all of them again appear in our lives under the influence of the media. In fact, the media shapes our attitude to relationships and sexuality. So, in many ways, the media tells us “how to look at the world” instead of “This is the world.” If this “How Do You See the World” is wrong, it can have disastrous consequences not only for the individual, but also for the world as a whole. For example, if the media teach and promote violence, young people can now be incited to commit acts of violence. This would be to the detriment not only of him, but of society as a whole. And if many young people followed suit, the stability of society itself would be investigated.

So, you need to know exactly how to solve the problem? While the media should tell us news and information, offer entertainment and advertising products, our world today is focused on these media. And if there is no knowledge of how these media work, it will harm not only our right to understand reality, but also to society as a whole to live in peace. Whatever the media dictates, they contain values, beliefs, mores and ideals shaped by the economic and political conditions of the time and not necessarily correct.

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